Researchers often encounter challenges when dealing with data obtained from industries that cannot be openly shared in repositories. In this post, Konstantinos Rigas shares some of his solutions to dealing with confidential data in research.


Open science represents a groundbreaking approach to research, emphasizing transparency, collaboration, and the sharing of knowledge, data, and methodologies within the scientific community. 1 A central pillar of open science is the availability of research data. Nonetheless, ensuring data confidentiality within the framework of open science can be a multifaceted challenge, particularly when dealing with data originating from industries that are hesitant to disclose proprietary information.2 Sharing data is of major importance in the concept of open science, with its focus on transparency, reproducibility, and scientific integrity. Open access to data empowers other researchers to replicate experiments and verify findings, thereby enhancing the credibility of scientific work.3 Furthermore, it promotes collaboration and interdisciplinary research, as researchers from diverse backgrounds can access and analyze the same data, fostering innovative discoveries and a more comprehensive understanding of complex issues. Open data encourages wider participation in scientific research, allowing researchers to access and comprehend the data underpinning scientific discoveries, ultimately nurturing trust in the scientific process. This article delves into the significance of data sharing in open repositories, the obstacles faced by researchers when industrial data cannot be openly disclosed, and proposes potential solutions to effectively navigate these data confidentiality issues.

Problem Identification

Despite the manifold advantages of open science, researchers often encounter challenges when dealing with data obtained from industries that cannot be openly shared in repositories. Industries have legitimate concerns about preserving their proprietary data, trade secrets, and competitive advantages. Researchers find themselves in a delicate balancing act, striving to maintain their commitment to open science while respecting confidentiality agreements. In some cases, researchers may not even be aware of confidentiality issues, as such agreements are frequently not established with industry partners prior to commencing a project or research activities. Collaborative projects involving academia and industry can lead to disputes over data ownership and sharing rights, highlighting the importance of clear agreements from the outset to preempt conflicts. Additionally, certain data may contain sensitive personal information or details that could be detrimental if disclosed, necessitating the development of methods to protect such data while upholding open science principles.

Proposed Solutions

  1. Addressing these challenges surrounding data confidentiality in open science is imperative. Researchers should establish comprehensive data-sharing agreements with industry partners at the project’s inception, explicitly defining data ownership, the extent of data sharing, and the conditions under which data can be made publicly accessible. This transparency can help prevent conflicts and ensure compliance with confidentiality requirements.
  2. For sensitive industry data, researchers can employ data anonymization techniques to remove personally identifiable information and confidential details, facilitating the sharing of aggregated and de-identified data while preserving data confidentiality.
  3. Researchers, institutions, and industry partners should engage in open dialogue and raise awareness about the benefits of open science. Encouraging industry stakeholders to embrace more open data sharing practices can lead to increased collaboration and innovation.
  4. In certain cases, trusted third-party organizations can act as intermediaries, managing industry data in a manner that ensures compliance with confidentiality agreements while enabling as much open data sharing as possible.


Data confidentiality is a crucial consideration within the realm of open science. While open data sharing is a fundamental principle for advancing scientific knowledge, it is equally important for researchers to respect the confidentiality requirements of industries and data owners. By establishing clear agreements, employing data anonymization techniques, and fostering collaboration and awareness, the scientific community can strive for a harmonious balance that allows the exchange of knowledge while safeguarding the interests of all stakeholders involved. Open science, when executed with openness and consideration, can benefit both researchers and industry, driving innovation and expanding the frontiers of human knowledge.