In this post, I will describe how a Snakemake automated workflow is applied to the open-source spatial clean cooking tool OnStove.


  1. What is the OnStove tool?
  2. The automated workflow structure
    1. The process_data rule
    2. The prepare_model rule
    3. The run_model rule
    4. The merge_results rule
  3. Conclusion

What is the OnStove tool?

OnStove logo

OnStove is a geospatial modelling tool that allows users to determine the net-benefit of different cooking stoves relative to a stated baseline. Net-benefit, in this case, is defined as all the achieved benefits minus all the incurred costs of transitioning to a cleaner cooking option.

OnStove is written in an open-source programming language (Python) with thorough use of version control, and published in Github under an open license. It uses automated workflows that are run using Snakemake. It is thoroughly documented with automated documentation generated using Sphinx and published openly in Read The Docs. Moreover, it uses automated unitary tests that enhance the software’s stability and allow for more robust collaboration.

To date, the tool has been launched in a major publication for sub-Saharan Africa published in the Nature Sustainability journal. Moreover, several publications are forthcoming analysing clean cooking transitions in Nepal and Kenya.

The automated workflow structure

To make our research truly reproducible, we implement automated workflows. These workflows are used to automate and make clear in which order all computational processes are run. This process covers steps from reading and processing of raw data, to final production and visualization of results.

We use the Snakemake package to manage our workflows. Snakemake simplifies our data analysis pipelines by allowing us to create clear rules defining the order, inputs dependency and outputs of each computational step. This way, we can build modular and more scalable software that comes together in the workflow process. I will show next the main workflow we use to run the OnStove model for all sub-Saharan countries and broadly explain how it is constructed and what each step does. For more detailed information on how to build a Snakemake workflow, please visit the documentation.

The workflow consists of four main steps, which are run through four rules: process_data, prepare_model, run_model, and merge_results. I will explain each rule in detail in the sections below.

OnStove's workflow directed acyclic graph (DAG)
OnStove's workflow directed acyclic graph (DAG): shows the conceptual representation and order of computational steps of the model.

We begin the workflow by defining the scenarios we want to run and store that in a list SCENARIOS. Then we create another list with all the COUNTRIES of the study area we want to run, and any other required parameter as RESTRICTION. Then the first rule we want to create is the “final” rule that we call all. This rule will tell Snakemake what is the expected output of the entire workflow, and we define that output as an input to the rule. In this case, it is a final results.pkl file for Africa for each scenario in SCENARIOS.

import os
cwd = os.getcwd()

SCENARIOS = ['Social_private_benefits', 'Private_benefits']
RESTRICTION = ['Positive_Benefits']

COUNTRIES = ['AGO', 'BDI', 'BEN', 'BFA', 'BWA', 'CAF', 'CIV', 'CMR',
             'COD', 'COG', 'DJI', 'ERI', 'ETH', 'GAB', 'GHA', 'GIN',
             'GMB', 'GNB', 'GNQ', 'KEN', 'LBR', 'LSO', 'MDG', 'MLI',
             'MOZ', 'MRT', 'MWI', 'NAM', 'NER', 'NGA', 'RWA', 'SDN',
             'SEN', 'SLE', 'SOM', 'SSD', 'SWZ', 'TCD', 'TGO', 'TZA',
             'UGA', 'ZAF', 'ZMB', 'ZWE']

rule all:

Then we need to create all intermediate rules required to go from raw data processing until generating the desired final output files.

The process_data rule

The first rule we need is a process_data one, where we read and process a set of geospatial datasets. All this datasets should already be downloaded into the system and organized in the specified folder structure. In the documentation of the model we provide links to the raw data sources and information on how to use them. Each dataset is then specified as an individual input for the rule.

Note that, somethimes we use wildcards when defining the path of a dataset. This is done to generalize one rule to different input datasets. Take the case of the population input in the process_data rule for example, it contains the wildcard {country} in its path. From this, Snakemake can then infer which are the countries that need to be run based on the amount of population datasets found in the Population data folder.

After the input we define any parameter needed for the analysis in the params section. These are parameters that can be used within the defined script. Next, we define the expected output files after the rule was run. Snakemake will use these information to check that the rule was run successfully and track that the output files are up-to-date. Finally, we specify in the script section, a python script that should be run in order to perform the desired data processing and processing the output files.

rule process_data:
         population = "GIS-data/Population/{country}_ppp_2020_UNadj_constrained.tif",
         mask_layer = r"GIS-data\Admin\Admin_1.shp",
         ghs = r"GIS-data\Urban\Urban.tif",
         forest = "GIS-data/Forest/{country}/Forest.tif",
         walking_friction = r"GIS-data\Walking_friction\walking_friction.tif",
         hv_lines = r"GIS-data\HV\All_HV.shp",
         mv_lines = r"GIS-data\MV\All_MV.gpkg",
         ntl = r"GIS-data\NightLights\Africa.tif",
         traveltime_cities = r"GIS-data\Traveltime_to_cities\2015_accessibility_to_cities_v2.tif",
         roads = r"GIS-data\Roads/{country}/Roads.shp",
         temperature = r"GIS-data\Temperature\Temperature.tif",
         buffaloes = r"GIS-data\Global livestock\buffaloes\buffaloes.tif",
         cattles = r"GIS-data\Global livestock\cattles\cattles.tif",
         poultry = r"GIS-data\Global livestock\poultry\poultry.tif",
         goats = r"GIS-data\Global livestock\goats\goats.tif",
         pigs = r"GIS-data\Global livestock\pigs\pigs.tif",
         sheeps = r"GIS-data\Global livestock\sheeps\sheeps.tif",
         water = r"GIS-data\Water scarcity\y2019m07d11_aqueduct30_annual_v01.gpkg"
          output_directory = "Processed data/{country}",
          country = "{country}"
          mask_layer = "Processed data/{country}/Administrative/Country_boundaries/Country_boundaries.geojson",
          population = "Processed data/{country}/Demographics/Population/Population.tif",
          ghs = "Processed data/{country}/Demographics/Urban/Urban.tif",
          forest = "Processed data/{country}/Biomass/Forest/Forest.tif",
          biomass_friction = ".Processed data/{country}/Biomass/Friction/Friction.tif",
          mv_lines = "Processed data/{country}/Electricity/MV_lines/MV_lines.geojson",
          ntl = "Processed data/{country}/Electricity/Night_time_lights/Night_time_lights.tif",
          traveltime_cities = "Processed data/{country}/LPG/Traveltime/Traveltime.tif",
          roads = "Processed data/{country}/LPG/Roads/roads.geojson",
          temperature = "Processed data/{country}/Biogas/Temperature/Temperature.tif",
          buffaloes = "Processed data/{country}/Biogas/Livestock/buffaloes/buffaloes.tif",
          cattles = "/Processed data/{country}/Biogas/Livestock/cattles/cattles.tif",
          poultry = "Processed data/{country}/Biogas/Livestock/poultry/poultry.tif",
          goats = "Processed data/{country}/Biogas/Livestock/goats/goats.tif",
          pigs = "Processed data/{country}/Biogas/Livestock/pigs/pigs.tif",
          sheeps = "Processed data/{country}/Biogas/Livestock/sheeps/sheeps.tif",
          water = "Processed data/{country}/Biogas/Water scarcity/Water scarcity.tif"

The prepare_model rule

After all raw data has been processed, then we can crate and calibrate our OnStove model. We define the prepare_model rule for this. This rule reads in the raw data processed in the process_data rule, plus additional techno-economic information of the study area. Then it runs the script to create and calibrate the model. The output of this script is a model.pkl file containing all the information of our model.

rule prepare_model:
        prep_file = "Prep_files/{country}_prep_file.csv",
        techs_file = r"Technical_specs\{scenario}\{country}_file_tech_specs.csv",
        mask_layer = rules.process_data.output.mask_layer,
        population = rules.process_data.output.population,
        ghs = rules.process_data.output.ghs,
        forest = rules.process_data.output.forest,
        biomass_friction = rules.process_data.output.biomass_friction,
        mv_lines = rules.process_data.output.mv_lines,
        ntl = rules.process_data.output.ntl,
        traveltime_cities = rules.process_data.output.traveltime_cities,
        roads = rules.process_data.output.roads,
        temperature = rules.process_data.output.temperature,
        water = rules.process_data.output.water,
        buffaloes = rules.process_data.output.buffaloes,
        cattles = rules.process_data.output.buffaloes,
        poultry = rules.process_data.output.poultry,
        goats = rules.process_data.output.goats,
        pigs = rules.process_data.output.pigs,
        sheeps = rules.process_data.output.sheeps
         wealth_index = r"GIS-data\Poverty\{country}_relative_wealth_index",
         output_directory = "Results/{country}/{scenario}",
         country = "{country}"
         model = "Results/{country}/{scenario}/model.pkl"

The run_model rule

Next, we define a run_model rule, where we read in the prepared model file model.pkl and additional scenario data for each specific country. The output expected is a results.pkl file for each country, which are produced by the script.

rule run_model:
        model = rules.prepare_model.output.model,
        scenario_file = r"Results\Scenario_files\{scenario}\{country}_scenario_file.csv"
         output_directory = "Results/{country}/{scenario}/{restriction}",
         country = "{country}",
         restriction = "{restriction}"
         results = "Results/{country}/{scenario}/{restriction}/results.pkl",

The merge_results rule

Finally, after having all result files for all countries, the merge_results rule takes care of reading all countries results and merging them into a large Africa model. The expected output is a results.pkl file for Africa.

rule merge_results:
        results = expand("Results/{country}///results.pkl",
        boundaries = r"GIS-data\Admin\Admin_1.shp"
         output_directory = "Results/Africa/{scenario}/{restriction}",
         countries = COUNTRIES
         results = "Results/Africa/{scenario}/{restriction}/results.pkl"

After this workflow has completed successfully, then we run another workflow that generates all the results visualizations. We will not cover that script in here but it is available in our GitHub repository.


This post has provided a comprehensive overview of how an automated workflow, powered by Snakemake, is effectively applied to the open-source spatial clean cooking tool OnStove. One notable feature of Snakemake is its ability to execute rules in parallel for the different countries, this optimizes workflow efficiency by leveraging available CPU cores and RAM resources.

In summary, this workflow not only streamlines the entire process of assessing clean cooking solutions but also ensures reproducibility, scalability, and ease of collaboration. By integrating Snakemake and OnStove, we can analyse and visualize the impact of clean cooking transitions across sub-Saharan Africa efficiently and comprehensively.